We Finished A New Book During Quarantine
I’m too excited to share this news with you.
It’s the next evolution of the work we are doing with SightShift.
It’s a project two years in the making.
Today we released a new book - our sixth in the SightShift collection.
Catching Confetti: Developing the Mindset of a Champion

It is now live on Amazon in paperback, Kindle e-book, and audiobook.
Written with NBA coach and my partner at ChampionShift, Bret Burchard, the book shares personal stories from professional athletes that reveal the 7 essential mindsets needed to reach and sustain world-class performance. It also provides tips for how you can develop these mindsets in yourself.
While it is written with the athlete and coach in mind, it is just as applicable to anyone looking to hoist the trophy in their respective pursuit. Our first five-star review even came from an elementary school administrator!
Beyond just the book, Bret launched the Catching Confetti training program, an 8-week online course to help you develop your mindset to a world-class level. It consists of 9 videos, 8 lessons, and the 7 mindsets with a workbook to complete on your own or with your team.
And it’s all available RIGHT NOW at www.CatchingConfettiTheBook.com
Are you ready to work with one of our coaches to make this your best year yet?
Our team will reach out to book a free discovery call.
If we both agree that it’s a good fit, we’ll start the signup process for the SightShift Coaching program and pairing you with one of our Certified Coaches.